More About Yohannes Semere

Charged with overseeing all aspects of revenue management for KSL Resorts, Yohannes Semere is senior corporate director of revenue strategy for KSL Resorts – providing day-to-day leadership to property-based teams as well as ensuring optimum performance for call center operations, technology platforms, processes and channel partners.

With a 23-year tenure in the hotel industry, he excels at developing talent and collaborating with his team. Especially skilled at data analysis, he is also adept at developing productive partnerships and is appreciated for his upbeat, positive approach.

His extensive experience includes high-level revenue management and analytics positions at upscale hotel, extended stay, vacation rental and corporate housing properties throughout the world. Familiar with all facets of the hospitality sector, he spent 12 years with a large international hotel company – developing his expertise in food and beverage, retail, logistics and technology/software.

A proud MBA graduate of Georgia Institute of Technology, he earned the university’s Tower Award – which celebrates academic excellence – and often mentors Georgia Tech students. He is a devoted father and husband and spends his off time coaching youth sports and bicycling.

Signature Quote: A dream deferred is a dream denied – Langston Hughes